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I had a bit of a run-in with the angle grinder at the studio this week and evidently, the grinder won. I was cutting some metal on the exhaust hood overhead and when I flicked the grinder on, it torqued out of my hand and landed squarely on my face. Ouch! I'm so glad I was wearing my safety glasses, otherwise I might have lost an eye. This is why glasses are ALWAYS required in the shop. Luckily, I was able to get myself to the St. Joseph's ER and two hours later I was stitched up and back at the studio cleaning up the mess I left behind! Gotta love that Canadian Health Care System! A huge thank you to all the nurses and doctors working overtime to keep dummies like me in one piece! Moral of the Story: NEVER work alone and ALWAYS wear your safeties! All things considered I was very lucky and things could have been a lot worse if I wasn't protected and wasn't able to get to the hospital on my own. Silver lining: My Inigo Montoya Halloween costume is shaping up nicely! (GROSS OUT WARNING: If you want to see what the damage looks like, you can click here. Sicko.)
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