The Glory Hole — Glassblowing RSS

A Visit from BlogTO!

Hi There! We were lucky enough to have everyone's favorite Toronto explorer; Deepa from BlogTO pay a visit to the studio last week!  She's great company and an absolute natural with the hot glass.  We did a bit of a crash-course in glassblowing before she headed off to her next Toronto adventure.  Thanks Deepa!  And thanks to your editor for not using the full clip of the glass pony I flubbed.  (Shhh, don't tell the other glassblowers!).  Keep an eye out for the lovely Lana Filippone blowing a massive glass bubble!   Ps: Everyone keeps asking: "Who are you wearing in the video? Who are you wearing?".  It's getting kind of old so I'll tell you.  The Seagull shirt is...

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Two Month Update

So the studio has been running for approximately two months as of today and while there are still some wrinkles to iron out, on the whole, I couldn't be happier!  I've had some great people pass through the doors already and I hope to be able to welcome many more artists into the studio whether they're working in glass or some other material. (Mathieu Grodet was our first guest.  Seen here doing some cane-work with my fellow Harbourfront alum; Silvia Taylor assisting.) (Even Alfred came by because of course he did.  The man is everywhere!  He's working on components for a large-scale installation here.) I've been hosting some groups events as we'll and it's been an absolute blast!  BBQ and...

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Classes Start April 26th!!!

After nearly four years (!!!) of building, I'm proud to announce that Turnstyle Glassblowing Studio is finally up and running!  Classes are already filling up but there are some spots available.  If you're interested, get in touch! The first beginner session is slated to start on April 26th! Dates and times for that course are as follows: Friday, April 26th: 6pm-10pm -Safety Instruction, Short Demo and First contact with the Glass Saturday, April 27th: 10am-6pm -Demo & Intro to Hot-Sculpting/Colour Application -Break for Lunch (1 hour) -Demo & Intro to Blowing Sunday, April 28th: 10am-6pm -Demo & Intro to Bitwork (Handles and Decoration) -Break for Lunch (1 hour) -Final Demo If the intensive weekend workshop doesn't fit with your schedule,...

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Happy 2019!!!

Happy 2019 from Turnstyle Glass Studio!  It's been quite a while since my last post and honestly a pretty exhausting few months.  I've said it before but if I had known what a journey this shop would be, I might have held off on the website/blog but I consider it a useful record to be sure I never take any of this for granted.  It is far and away the biggest project I've ever been involved in and I'm so thankful to the people in my life that have helped me along when I've been bumping my head up against a dead end. Recently I had been feeling a serious hitch in my momentum like a flame inside had gone...

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Side Hustle Part Three: IATSE

  If you've been paying any attention to the studio via social media or otherwise this past year, you've noticed that things have come to a bit of a stand-still in terms of progress. The delays have been largely out of my hands which is frustrating but I feel as though things are back on track since the new year!Lest anyone think I've been loafing in the interim I'm putting together a series of posts titled Side Hustle to illustrate what it takes to keep things afloat when the build doesn't go your way. In this entry: "I Already Tried Something Else!" (IATSE) Remember when you and your friends used to collect all the cushions, cardboard, markers and tape in...

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